Reposted: Writing the Prepared Professional

A worthy and excellent piece from Mr. Kit Sun Cheah, readers. Check it out!

Writing the Prepared Professional

The operator is preparing for battle. He will face a team of elite commandos, armed to the teeth, hell-bent on hunting him down. They have the advantage in numbers, firepower, technology. The only way for him to survive is to do unto them before they do unto him. He has chosen the time and place for the engagement. Now he needs to choose his gear.

He chooses a pistol and a knife.

When I read this scene in a bestselling novel, I had to fight the urge to facepalm. The operator in question is described as a highly-trained and -experienced assassin, with the connections to procure any kind of gear he needs. He has previously been described acquiring long guns, ammo and special tools through his supplier. He was shown as someone who will carry out meticulous preparations before combat, and places a lot of thought into his kit selection.

So why on earth did he choose to take a pistol to a rifle fight?

The answer revealed itself later: so that he can be outgunned at the climax of the firefight, allowing a secondary character to show up and save the day.

Read more….

One thought on “Reposted: Writing the Prepared Professional

  1. I observe that the general purpose adventuring party, a la D&D, would exist only when the intelligence about the dangers is very poor. Otherwise, the adventurers would rapidly become specialists.

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