
unbound-iii-goodbye-earth-cover.png.pngStories have captivated Caroline Furlong from early childhood, but without her family’s encouragement that fascination might have foundered long ago. She considers it a minor miracle that as a child no one ever tripped over the toys she scattered while she set up queens and sent out heroes on quests. Reading meant that the toys got taken out less, and when it came to writing at thirteen or fourteen they had been surrendered to another.

But she continues to dream up realms and heroes, monsters and androids almost every waking moment. They are her toys now, parading across paper rather than a carpet. The slightest suggestion – a word, a movie, a flower, or a ship – can bring a new story to mind. So, where there are dragons that talk and spaceships to fly, that’s where she will be.

Cirsova Summer Special CoverHer novelette “Halcyon” appeared as the cover story for Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense’s Summer Special. The story was the focus of John DeNardo’s appraisal of the Special for Kirkus Reviews. One of her short stories was the first entry in DAOwen Publications’ Unbound III: Goodbye Earth anthology. She is also a contributor at The Mind at WarThe Everyman CommentarySuperversiveSF, Tuscany Bay Books’ blog, The Federalist, Upstream Reviews, and Catholic365. Her poetry appeared in Dragon Soul Press’ Organic Ink, Volume 2 anthology, and two of her stories have appeared in Planetary Anthology: Luna, Uranus, and Sol. Another story by her appeared in Cirsova Summer Issue 2020, and her work is available in Storyhack Magazine’s Issue Seven and Cirsova Magazines 2021 Summer Issue, which was reviewed here. Her first series, The Guardian Cycle, is available for purchase on Amazon and the first collection was reviewed here. Her first YA novel, Debris, which can be purchased in ebook and paperback here and here.

Caroline enjoys history, reading, writing, swimming, traveling, astronomy, and classic cars.  She lives in south central Virginia, U.S.A.