A Modern Fur Trade

And it is a good one. Follow the link to learn more, readers!

Nutria and the wetlands: Is it a fur trade?

JUL 04, 2019 

Brian Friedman

In the documentary film Rodents of Unusual Size, we meet a Louisiana trapper who makes a nice living hunting nutria.  He also happens to keep one as a beloved pet.

It’s a complicated relationship, symbolic of the love/hate history Louisianans have with their “swamp rats.”

“Obviously the nutria have done their job destroying the wetlands,” says artist and writer Cree McCree.  At the same time, hunters and trappers can make a good part of their living, between $30-$40 thousand, just from nutria.

“So it’s possible to both kill them and have them as pets,” adds McCree, “and have those two thoughts exist side-by-side.”

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