Right Place and Right Time, Even When It Seems All Wrong

This is a good meditation, readers:

Seemingly Unremarkable, Often Unexpected, and Never Alone: Vocation according to the fantasy comic, “Twig”

ComicsFantasy / By Thomas J. Salerno

As an avid fantasy reader, the new graphic novel Twig caught my attention at once. Written by Eisner Award-winner Scottie Young, and illustrated by Kyle Strahm with coloring by Jean-Francois Beaulieu, Twig is a delightful adventure romp set in a vibrant and enchanting world reminiscent of something like The Wizard of Oz or The Dark Crystal. 

Twig is an exceptional graphic novel, not least for its endearing characters and profoundly moving storyline. This book has a surprising thematic richness with important moral lessons about vocation that will stand out in bold relief for Christian readers. Here are just a few that I found.

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3 thoughts on “Right Place and Right Time, Even When It Seems All Wrong

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