Reposted: For the Boys

And this, readers, as I said in my interview here is why Debris has male protagonists:

For the Boys

I’ve been collecting books for research recently. Some of them I already had on hand, but this is a good excuse to acquire others. Books I remember well from childhood, that I loved and that helped shape me into who I am. That’s not what this project is about, wholly, although in part it is. You see, I was a tomboy. These days, that comes with a lot of baggage. Back then, I preferred the ‘boy’s books’ to read and set me dreaming of things I would do. And I did a lot of them, too. Search and rescue, hunting and fishing, becoming a scientist, and much more. Then I became a mother of a son, and to my dismay realized that the books in the library were largely targeted at my daughters, and not all of my daughters. They were, as I’d put it when I was a tomboy in my jeans with the knees out and scabs to earn those holes, for girly-girls. Nothing wrong with that, in theory. Problem is when there’s nothing else.

So, I’ve been piling up books for boys from generations past, to mine for boyishness and take the nuggets I pan out of them to melt into something for the boys of today. The rough-and-tumble boys. The boys whose hearts yearn for space, and exploration, and dinosaurs in some strange frontier somewhere. The boys who will be engineers, and divers, and work with their hands at jobs that leave them filthy when they stumble home at night to shower in the garage before the wife will feed them a hearty supper.

Read more….

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